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TRADE MISSION IN SOUTH AFRICA is one of the actions of Unioncamere Promotional Program 2013 organized by Aspin, the Special Agency of Frosinone Chamber of Commerce for international Activities, in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Trade and Industry South Africa in Johannesburg and ICE Office in Johannesburg.
The main target of the Trade Mission is to promote the excellence of Made in Italy in the Republic of South Africa in order to increase the flow of exports of the companies involved in the project, stimulate and encourage the development of new relationships with BRICS Countries and to create favorable conditions for the improvement of trade relations already in place with local partners.
The main fields involved in the trade Mission, according to their economic importance in terms of import/export and the specific needs of the South African market in relation to Made in Italy productions, are:

  • Mechanics and Automation chain: industrial machinery, including equipment for the apparel and footwear, digger, design, construction and maintenance of industrial plants.
  • Chemical-Pharmaceutical Supply chain: polymers for industry, health products, medicines.
  • Food and Beverage chain: fishing and aquaculture technologies for food processing, conservation, organic food, bio-fuels, packaging.

Catalogo Missione Imprenditoriale in Sudafrica

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